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So recently, I sent an email out to a few folk I thought might be financially and politically conservative regarding the Indiana leg of the national Fair Tax group.  One of them emailed back to unsubscribe.  I am assuming he meant from the group, not me.  If me, oops.  Another asked me to further explain, especially as to whether it was worth doing.

On Nov 7, 2009, at 2:23 AM, XXXXXX wrote:

Please explain what this is about. Is it worthwhile? What does it do?


Here is my response:
Yes and no.    http://www.fairtax.org/site/PageServer?pagename=about_main

Fairtax.org is really the website you should take  look at.
It is a grassroots organization with people who are fed up with the income tax structure.  Wants to replace it with a national sales tax.  Do away with having to file income taxes and withholding.  If you buy something, you would pay a tax and the businesses would collect and send in the money.  But YOU decide whether you want to buy something, (new, that is.)  Or from a store, for that matter.  Maybe I would rather trade goods and services.   Like if I ever need twine,  I know someone local who has a huge ball of it.  I bet he would sell a bit under the table.

The FairTax:
Enables workers to keep their entire paychecks
Enables retirees to keep their entire pensions
Refunds in advance the tax on purchases of basic necessities
Allows American products to compete fairly
Brings transparency and accountability to tax policy
Ensures Social Security and Medicare funding
Closes all loopholes and brings fairness to taxation
Abolishes the IRS

So that is the yes part.

I have been on their mailing and news list for a few years.  Recently, interest has picked up due to the tax and waste Congress and socialist president we have.  *(I should have said socialistic leaning president)

Here is the no, probably, part.  They have started to really get each state organized and are stepping up the use of the Internet.  This includes social networking similar to Facebook, Twitter, etc.  This social networking stuff is how Obama basically got elected via the young voters.  A whole bunch of college age kids got on the bandwagon with his campaign.  He also sent text messages to them to remind them to get out and vote on their cell phones.   Anyway, I signed on with a little more information (not my cell number, though) to their new Indiana segment and invited others I thought might be interested in it.  I really like the idea of controlling my own earnings.   However, the social networking thing is not something I am deeply into.  Twitter is silly, in my opinion.  But there are millions who have taken up with it.  Again, the young people.  They are counting on the young people to change the US from a conservative center right country to a liberal, left country.

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